Sunday, November 16, 2008


Politeness is a dying social nicety.
Common courtesy is dying faster than politeness.
Co-workers are barely civil towards each other. I hear the backstabing and gossiping that happens.
Why is any of this necessary? I refer to the gossiping and negativity.

Why don't people say thank you when someone does something nice, like hold open a door?
Where did common sense go? Did we sell it for a cheap price? Can I still offer to sell mine? I know I'm in need for cash, but I don't think my common sense should be for sale.
My common sense sometimes creates more problems when those around me choose not to use their common sense parts. Or just plain forget to think before they act or speak.

How much energy does it take to hold open a door for someone else?
Or thank a co-worker for doing an excellent job?

When did it become ok to constantly interrupt someone who is speaking? Rather, when did it become ok to be so self-absorbed that you don't notice that you continually talk over someone else?
Have we all become so wrapped up in ourselves that we can't take a few minutes to hear out other people's ideas?

In the world of communication and public relations, what kind of message does it send if you can not wait your turn to speak?

This posting tied back to my posting about teamwork far too closely.
It was not intended to do so. I intended to invite people to return to a time when you are polite to everyone you meet. To invite people to be patient.

Thank you. For reading.

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