Friday, November 7, 2008

Creativity Conflicts

The age old question. How do you create assignments, writing pieces or other documents when your creative drive is put in park?

This is a current issue for me. How do I crank out the numerous assignments that require an attempt to be creative? I don't pretend to have any concrete answers. Some days when there is an assignment is due the next day, I will sit in front of my computer and become so frustrated with my lack of creativity.
According to some, I am a creative person. Most days I argue with these people that on occasion I can come up with random ideas, however when demand comes to supply, the demand never wins out.
One of my suggestions for working around creativity is utilizing a co-worker/friend/colleague/beloved pet/family member for bouncing ideas off of. If there is a specific topic or theme to the piece of writing bouncing ideas off of someone else can create a spark within to drive you towards the finish line.
Based along my personal attempts, this suggestion works sometimes. Often it takes more time to explain the assignment and why you need a creative concept/theme than coming up with an idea.
I don't pretend to have any answers about the lack of creativity. Some days are much better than others. Though currently, I feel as if I am stuck in a slump or a rut. My little monkey that inspires me has decided that being in a coma is a better than plan than being helpful.

It has recently been brought to my attention that a potential reason on why I'm having problems with creativity could be that I feel that the ideas I come up with aren't good enough. I'm going to try to puzzle this suggestion out.
I have an internal drive to do exceptionally well. I want to graduate and find a job that I like in this field. Accordingly, I am putting extra pressure on the already delicate monkey. The need to relax and not put pressure on the creativity maker seems foreign to me.

I have no answers for this. Only several small steps that can attempt to steer me in the right direction.

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